Tuesday, June 13, 2006

BWR - Realty services


Boardwalk'’s Relocation (RELO) Division is in full swing!

If you need an agent in any part of the USA we can find a qualified full service professional in that area to take care of your needs.

Just let me know what you are looking for & in what town.

Keith <"><

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Does the interest rate matter to you?

If you are affected by the difference of a point or so on the cost of money then you need to turn on the radar to look out a little further over the horizon... 7% is not far off.

What type of investment property works for you?

Rents are still strong and will likely stay that way for a good long time. Commercial leasing is not a declining market yet. So again they are still strong options as well.

The higher home prices have made many rents seem less of a problem. The fed sees the strong raising rent termed as inflationary. But the real close in affect is that the good apartment building buyer can be assured a steady rental return. Low Risk. I like Low Risk.

If you are not into management of your own property... Let me know I can refer a good property management company.

I'm a boater and so I like the analogy of using Radar to look out on the horizon to see what may be coming your way. Would you agree that 7 % money rates are coming in the not to distant future?

Keith L. Answer via the comments