An investor who purchases $100K worth of Microsoft stock in 2000 sells the stock today for $200K. The investor yields a whopping 100% return, correct? Well yes, but don’t forget that when tax time comes around, our Microsoft investor will owe the IRS and State Taxing Authority about $30K. After taxes, the profits from the Microsoft investment plummets from $100K to $70K. Still not a bad return, but after taxes our Microsoft investor now has only a total of $170,000 to reinvest.
Now let’s contrast this with an investor who makes the same returns in the real estate market. A property purchased for $100K, appreciates to $200K. The investor earns the same $100% return. The major difference however, is the investor can elect a 1031 Exchange and defer the capital gains taxes. Doing so leaves the investor with a total of $200K to reinvest.
The effect taxes have over the long term are dramatic. I suggest having performing real estate in your portfolio.
If you want to invest in secure West Los Angeles multifamily or commercial property please consider using my services to aquire/manage/sell as needed.
Sincerely Keith Lambert