I work in a different market place for investments than what is commonly referred to as
"The Market" that usually means a stock market trading a piece of paper that represents an interest in some company or asset. When I deal with
Investment Properties we are dealing with an asset that you get a real title too.
Compared to the over valued paper being peddled by wall street for the last few years,
Income Real Estate is rather secure.
Yesterday in the LA Times Business section...
http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-commre20-2009feb20,0,4393076.storyThis story says
Commercial Properties are down
15 % and that
Apartment Buildings are down
11.5 %in the nationwide averages.
Not bad compared with all that stock market stuff.
Just read your last 401 K report and compare the amount you are down. Then think about how much you are diversified if it is all with a Fidelity account or E-Trade. No matter how much it is spread around in the stock market it is still
the stock market. Some of your net worth needs to be in a performing real asset like an apartment building if you want a secure long range future.
With today's prices now in a bit of a "Market Dip" it may be possible for you to use your cash to pick up a sound investment for your future. If you are not retiring in the next 2-3 years Income Property should be in your portfolio.
Call me to review the options.
Keith Lambert